Culture Coach with Nikki Lerner
Culture Coach Nikki Lerner helps you engage in a proactive movement towards unity and understanding as it relates to culture and come-from. For your life, your business, your non-profit organization, and your community.
Culture Coach with Nikki Lerner
An Insight From The Makeup Chair
There are things that happen to us everyday that can teach us what we most need to learn if we are open to it. This week, I tell a story of a leadership insight that came to me while in a makeup chair about to do a television show!
FEBRUARY 1st, 12-1:30pm
Come hang out with me for a live masterclass - What Every Organization Needs To Begin Culture Work. You can sign up for it here: https://www.culturecoachinglab.com/courses/practice_session_begin_culture_work
Ready to work with me in 2024? This could be the year that you make major leaps in your multicultural leadership. There are many ways to work with me. Drop me an email at nikkilerner.com/contact