Culture Coach with Nikki Lerner
Culture Coach Nikki Lerner helps you engage in a proactive movement towards unity and understanding as it relates to culture and come-from. For your life, your business, your non-profit organization, and your community.
174 episodes
We Didn't Let That Stop Us
Today on the podcast, I share some insights I have had over the last couple of months with the new change in political leadership in the US. So many people had reached out to see what I was thinking, I decided to share it on the podcast t...

Workplace Survival Techniques of African American Leaders
This episode is fresh off of a robust conversation that we held in The Culture Coaching Lab today. This idea of "survival techniques" came up and I wanted to share it with YOU in case you weren't there. Shoot me a message at...

Client Story: Double Down on Diversity
Today, I want to tell you about an encounter I had with one of my clients, recently, and how they rose to the occasion when it comes to their commitment to cultural diversity work in their company. Wanna see my face? Check o...

Performance Tool: Make An Apology
This is the one part of the process that seems to be missing from keeping people accountable. An Apology. It doesn't matter if it happened 3 weeks ago. You can still say... "I'm sorry". We are doubling down on th...
Season 7
Episode 170

Pro Tip: Consider Impact
We are doubling down on the performance tools from these episodes. Here is another podcast short from How to Navigate Grace and Accountability going one more layer deep. Wanna see my face? Check out...
Season 7
Episode 169

Pro Tip: Be Specific
We are doubling down on the performance tools from these episodes. Here is a podcast short from How to Navigate Grace and Accountability. Wanna see my face? Check out the video at nikkilerner.com/coaching ...
Season 7
Episode 168

How To Navigate Grace and Accountability
When cultural mistakes are made in the workplace, a social community, or even a personal party, it can feel challenging to know how to respond. Embrace grace and accountability as partners to help you know what to do. Wanna s...
Season 7
Episode 167

New Season Starts Next Week!
A short blurb about what to expect from the podcast this season. Connect with me at culturecoachinglab.com
Season 6
Episode 166

Summer Break
It's summer and it's time for a much needed break. I share some thoughts with you today on what I am going to do and what you can do to. Take care of your soul this summer.
Season 6
Episode 165

Defunding Diversity - How To Properly REfund It
Cutting funding for any type of work, including diversity work, doesn't have to be permanent. You can bring it back and REfund it. When you decide to do that, however, you need to plan ahead. Today, I share some import...
Season 6
Episode 164

Defunding Diversity - How To Do It For Free (if necessary)
I DO NOT recommend playing around with diversity initiatives in your organization without proper funding. However, I am here to help you and if you find yourself in a situation where you have access to no money, but need to meet your goa...
Season 6
Episode 163

Defunding Diversity - What Do We Do Now?
For the next several weeks, I am talking to you about Defunding Diversity. I have heard from so many of you that you feel stuck now that your "diversity budgets" have shrunk or now don't exist at all. I am sharing my best leadershi...
Season 6
Episode 162

Identifying Privilege
We all have a degree of privilege depending on the situations in which we find ourselves. How do we go about identifying when we are the beneficiary of it? Sign up for the next 90-minute, virtual Masterclass with me, THURSDAY, MAY...
Season 6
Episode 161

Necessary Endings
Today, I share a story about the death of my mother and the importance of necessary endings. Connect with me at nikkilerner.com
Season 6
Episode 160

3 Reasons Your Diversity Committee Is Struggling
So, you established your Diversity Committee 4 or 5 years ago and now you are wondering why it is struggling. Check out today's podcast episode as I reveal 3 consistent reasons that I see. Connect with me at nikkilerner...
Season 6
Episode 159

Why The Rush?
Most leaders move way too slow when it comes to creating organizational change. However, when are the times where you actually need to slow down?Connect with me at nikkilerner.com
Season 6
Episode 158

Core Reasons Diversity Efforts Fail In Most Organizations
Check out these foundational reasons why some diversity efforts end up failing. The thing you need to remember is that all of these things can be turned around with help! Connect with me at nikkilerner.com
Season 6
Episode 157

Finding Your Place Of Impact As A White Leader of Diverse People
Creative Director, On-Air Radio Personality, and Multicultural Leader - Tracey Tiernan Coiro - joins me on the podcast today! I ask Tracey what she has done to be so successful as a leader of diverse people for so long! We s...
Season 6
Episode 156

Go Be Proximate
Check out nikkilerner.com and culturecoachinglab.com MAY 1st, 12-1:30pm Come hang out with me for a live masterclass - When Silence Is Not An Option. You can sign up for it here:
Season 6
Episode 155

Come Hang Out With Me
Dive deep with me into what my team and I have created for you at the Culture Coaching Lab. Share this with a friend! FEBRUARY 1st, 12-1:30pm Come hang out with me for a live masterclass - What Every Organization Needs To...
Season 5
Episode 154

An Insight From The Makeup Chair
There are things that happen to us everyday that can teach us what we most need to learn if we are open to it. This week, I tell a story of a leadership insight that came to me while in a makeup chair about to do a television show! <...
Season 5
Episode 153

Reflect, Redefine, Recommit
There are three things that you can do this week that will center you for the culture work ahead in 2024. Today on the podcast, I share some insights around how you can leverage these three things and why they could be an important lifel...
Season 5
Episode 152

Closer or Further Away - Networks
Today I challenge the belief that there are "no good people" around to hire or learn from. Maybe...it's your networks that are the problem.Go to culturecoachinglab.com today and choose an online masterclass to build your multicult...
Season 4
Episode 151